For me, the unofficial theme for November is gratitude.  I mentioned to a few of you that I have been feeling very fortunate to have so many things to mention on my 'thankfulness list.  I truly feel that I am the luckiest teacher at the school.  We have a remarkable group of students who impress me every day with their courage and careful attention.

Today, I would like to mention that I am also specifically grateful to work with such an amazing group of parents.  For the first time in my teaching career, I have had %100 parent participation in the first round of the fall parent/teacher conferences.


You are clearly demonstrating that your child's education is a top priority for your family.  Thank you.   This is a tremendous gift to your children, and it creates a wonderfully positive atmosphere in our classroom community.

Thank you.
Tonia Smith
12/3/2011 02:26:00 am

You have been a blessing...We are very happy that Dewey is in your class!!!


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